Kim Braxton

Kim Braxton
4th Grade

Methods of Communication
phone/text:  336-525-9494
email: [email protected]

sunflower and bee

Last Day of School - Wednesday, May 22
The last day of the 2023-24 school year is next Wednesday, the 22nd.  This is an early release day.  Buses will run but there is no afterschool that day.  Dismissal is at 11:30.  

Class Celebration, May 20th
The 4th grade class celebration will be Monday, May 20th.  Students from the entire 4th grade will gather to play games, enjoy a hot dog cookout and just have fun together.  Students should bring a towel, sunscreen, and a hat, if they wish.  Students are asked to NOT wear a white t-shirt as we may play a water game.

Awards Day, May 21st
The Elementary Awards Day will be held Tuesday, May 21st. Doors will open for parents to attend at 8:30 a.m.  The program will begin at 9:00 a.m.  If you choose to take your child home after the program, you will need to sign-out your student in our classroom.

Multiplication Tables
Students are struggling with long division.  The main cause of this struggle seems to be the lack of knowledge of their multiplication facts.  Please help your student become fluent with multiplication. 

Vision Concerns
Fourth grade is often when students develop a need for eye glasses.  Several students are having trouble seeing the board when they may not have had trouble with this last year.  Please discuss with your student how they are doing with their vision this year.  There are only so many seats "near the board" and they are all filled.  Thank you for your help with this.

Self-Control and Fitness - March Character Trait

The character trait for March is two-fold:  self-control and fitness.  All month, students will focus on exhibiting self-control in their activities at home, school, and in the community.  Fitness will also be discussed in Morning Meeting with a focus on displaying difference types of athletic activities which may be of interest to students.  On March 28th, students in our classroom will select the classmate whom they feel best exhibits self-control.  That student will receive a certificate and their picture will be taken by Mrs. Bradshaw and posted in the hall by our classroom door.
The "This Week" Tab on this Website
The "This Week" tab here lists the content being covered in class during the week, including any tests scheduled for the week.   Students will receive Spelling words, and their Vocabulary words and definitions, each Monday in class.  They will write these in their Spelling notebooks and in the "Vocabulary" section of their planner for the week.  

2023-24 Student Planners
Your student has received a 2023-24 Student Planner for use this year in establishing good organizational skills.  We went through the planner as a class and included noteworthy school dates on the monthly pages and added the students' classes for each of the weeks in August, as a start.  Each afternoon, students will write their homework for the evening in their planner and I will initial that they have accurately copied their assignments.  Please initial your student's planner each evening and help them to remember to put it in their bookbag for the next school day.  Thank you, in advance, for your help with this beginning organizational tool.

School Illness
Given the opportunity for illness at school, including the stomach flu and other viruses, if your student is not feeling well, please keep them at home.  School policy requires that a student be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.  Students with a fever of 99.4 or greater may be sent home at the direction of the school nurse, Mrs. Coble.  Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Student Absences and Tardies
When your student is absent from school, please send a note detailing the reason for their absence so that I may correctly mark attendance each day.  Please also know that tardies are recorded the morning the student is late.  Upon receiving 3 tardies, I will send a reminder email.  If a student has been tardy 5 times, Mrs. Bradshaw will send a letter home.  Ten tardies will result in a day of suspension from school.  Please work to consistently arrive at school on time.

"Sign and Return" on Student Assessments
To ensure that parents are seeing their student's grades on assessments, in 4th and 5th grade I ask that parents please sign and return all assessments (they will be stamped for your signature) in the student's green folder when they return to school the next morning.  Thank you for your help with this!