Students have worked so very hard on their EOGs this week! We have just one more to go on Monday! The Science EOG Monday, May 13th will be our last EOG of 5th grade!! I am so impressed with how focused and determined the students were while taking their Math and Reading EOGs this week. It was really great to see them work so hard and give it their best! I am so proud of them! 

5th Grade Recognition - We will be having a 5th Grade Recognition Ceremony on Thursday, May 21st at 9:00am. The gym doors will open at 8:30am. 5th Grade teachers are looking for baby photos of your child so we can include them in the Slideshow we will be showing at the ceremony. Please email or send me a Bloomz message with a digital copy of your child’s baby photo that you want included in the Slideshow. I am still missing a few baby photos for the Recognition Ceremony so please be sure to send me a digital photo so your child will be included!