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Queridos  Padres,  Dear parents,                                        29/noviembre/2015        In high school, are a couple of weeks away from exams.  Please encourage your child to review their notes, packets and text pages from Chapters 1 to 4.  Some students should take advantage of extra tutoring sessions which I will be holding on Tuesdays.  If need be, I will tutor on Wednesdays and Thursdays if your student desires extra help for the final push before exams.         In middle school,  we are learning about vocabulary food groups in Spanish.  They will have a final exam during the month of December.  Please encourage your child to review his/her notes from the beginning of the semester.        In elementary,  we are learning vocabulary of shapes and the days of the week.  I am excited with their enthusiasm as they  respond to me in Spanish when I greet them in the hallways.         I hope that you will have a Feliz Navidad and a Prospero Nuevo 2016!   I am thankful for the opportunity to teach your child.                                                                        Atentamente,   Sincerely,    Senor Ed Limon
Posted by Guest  On Nov 29, 2015 at 8:26 PM 17 Comments