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Hello! We had a WONDERFUL first week of 4th grade.  I have learned quickly that this is an amazing group of students with whom I am planning to have a very successful and fun school year.   This week we focused on: -Multiplication (properties, fact families) and Division (part names, inverse operations, fact families) We also spent a lot of time learning the procedures for completing Daily 3 Math centers required weekly work. -Ecosystems and how environmental changes effect them -Learning our CAFE model of Reading which contained such activities as "Read to Self" and "Work on Writing" INDEPENDENTLY.  -Rules and procedures for just about every situation you can think of! Updates: -For now, there will be Wordly Wise tests EVERY OTHER FRIDAY to assess vocabulary.  Individual spelling lists will be created eventually, but we as a grade level are focused heavily on CAFE strategies right now to get the year started. -WATER BOTTLES:  If your child would like to bring water every day that is completely fine, but I need it to be in a hard bottle with a spout.  There were many distractions with bottled water that were created from the noise of students crumpling them or spilling because the top was not twisted on securely. Thank you for your understanding! -Your child might tell you about going to meet with Mrs. Whitfield.  That is for the standard DIBELS assessment that is done each year to help assess their Reading levels. IMPORTANT INFORMATION/QUESTIONS FOR YOU: -T-SHIRTS----We have someone in the building that can make t-shirts for our class.  What I'd like is feedback from you about whether you like the idea and if you'd be willing to pay around $10-$12 for a class t-shirt.  I'd like to make them generic (and not refer to 4th grade on them) since the current plan is for me to loop with these students to 5th grade.  If you have any suggestions about design, please let me know that as well.(I was currently thinking of doing something with their graduation year on it.) Please either e-mail me or make a comment below! -ROOM PARENT(S)---I am in the process of reviewing all of the e-mails about who is willing/able to be room parent and will send an update ASAP about who that is. CAR RIDERS--- PLEASE make sure you're dropping your child at school in the morning through the car rider line.  The gravel parking lot across the street is for employees.  If you need to come in with your child in the morning for some reason, you will need to pull into a space on the side of the building.  You can access those parking spots from the side entrance closest to Hursey's back parking lot on Hortense Street. FRIDAY FOLDERS---Your child's Friday folder is coming home today for the first time.  Please look through it, sign the behavior report and return it to school on MONDAY.  A day late folder will cost the student $100 classroom dollars.  2 days will be another $100 and on Wed. the fine goes up to $500/day.  These folders are crucial to communication between home and school.  You are welcome to send me any comments/notes on the behavior report as well.  (Not for absences/tardies though!) SORRY THIS IS SOOOOO LONG!  I promise it will not be this way always.  I just had a GREAT first week with your kiddos and wanted to keep you updated.  I am even more excited (if possible) for this year now that I know what a wonderful class this is going to be!!   Warm Regards, Mrs. Berrier   
Posted by Guest  On Aug 17, 2015 at 9:03 PM 19 Comments
This week was another fabulous week in our fourth grade class! I believe we're all settling in well and enjoying getting to know each other.   Some Updates: -"Bathroom Passes" have been given to the students.  I found that, as a class, we are asking for trips to the bathroom on a pretty regular basis.  All of the class is able to go upon arrival at school, after lunch, and at some point in the afternoon.  From now on if a student needs to go somewhere in between (which is fine!) they will use their bathroom pass.  Once it's used it's gone for the day.  If the same student needs to go again they will need to pay classroom money to do so.  I will keep the amount lower (no more than $50) to not discourage those that really need to go, but also keep ones who are just looking to travel the halls from wasting money.  (They're not very quick to want to give up their money already!  This is great!) -Wish List- As we settle in I have seen that our room could use some things.  Please check out our list if you're interested in donating. -COOKIE DOUGH FUNDRAISER!!! (We will have an assembly to get the students involved tomorrow morning, Friday the 21st) PLEASE encourage your student to do their best at selling cookie dough to raise money for our school, but also stay safe and do not sell door to door.   -HOMEWORK---I'd like your feedback. Please e-mail or call me at school if you feel that the load was too heavy or too light.  I want to make sure we have just the right amount to make our students successful at practicing their skills.  Please keep in mind that each group of students is different and my current methods may need to be tweaked to make sure I'm meeting this class's needs.  I appreciate your patience if some aspect of the routine has to be changed. As always, feel free to contact me with questions or comments!  Thanks for sharing your kiddos!
Posted by Guest  On Aug 20, 2015 at 8:03 PM 88 Comments
Overall it was another great week with the students.  I really feel they are being exposed to lots of new material and vocabulary on a daily basis.  I am proud of them for staying focused most of the time so that they can process the content in every subject.  Here are a couple of updates and notices that have come up. WEEKLY MATH CENTERS:  Please make sure your child is bringing home and showing you his/her Math centers work each week.  Many are being left in their folders.  It is a weekly grade and there is some very good information for you.  They are supposed to be moving the work into their blue folder to bring home on Mondays.  It is too much paper to ask for you to sign and return them every week, so I will trust that you will start asking to see their work on Mondays. TOPIC 3 Retest--I truly feel that the students did not pay attention to what they were really be asked to do on the majority of the test questions and therefore I spent Thur. and part of Fri. reteaching the topic, practicing how to follow our strategies for solving word problems, and how to use our vocabulary knowledge to help us.  There will be a retest, but if it is evident that errors continue to be made due to not reading the whole question there will be no more retests.   Spelling Tests and Word Work--Our "Word Work" center will be opening the week of the 8th.  For this short week students will work with their vocabulary words in the center.  After that they will be each be getting a spelling list weekly.  Those will be the words they work with normally.  Several different lists will be given to students to accommodate individual needs. READING LOGS--?Writing down your child's nightly reading activity is not required.  Your child will be given individual reading goals and incentives through the "BOOK IT" program beginning in Oct.  To be honest, I just don't have the time to keep up with another aspect of homework.  The Book It program will be a huge help in giving your child credit for their Reading minutes.   Scholastic Book Clubs--?Your child should have brought home one Scholastic catalog in their Friday folder last week.  At the top is our class code that you may register online to complete orders there.  I prefer you order online, but if needed I can also accept CASH orders at school.  I encourage you to register online and buy books through Scholastic.  It will help your child with the "voracious" reading they should be doing and will earn books for our classroom!  
Posted by Guest  On Sep 06, 2015 at 9:09 PM 498 Comments
Queridos  Padres,  Dear parents,                                        29/noviembre/2015        In high school, are a couple of weeks away from exams.  Please encourage your child to review their notes, packets and text pages from Chapters 1 to 4.  Some students should take advantage of extra tutoring sessions which I will be holding on Tuesdays.  If need be, I will tutor on Wednesdays and Thursdays if your student desires extra help for the final push before exams.         In middle school,  we are learning about vocabulary food groups in Spanish.  They will have a final exam during the month of December.  Please encourage your child to review his/her notes from the beginning of the semester.        In elementary,  we are learning vocabulary of shapes and the days of the week.  I am excited with their enthusiasm as they  respond to me in Spanish when I greet them in the hallways.         I hope that you will have a Feliz Navidad and a Prospero Nuevo 2016!   I am thankful for the opportunity to teach your child.                                                                        Atentamente,   Sincerely,    Senor Ed Limon
Posted by Guest  On Nov 29, 2015 at 8:26 PM 17 Comments
Contact me any time at my school email and I will get back to you with in the school day!  [email protected]  School phone- 336-229-0909 
Posted by Guest  On Aug 09, 2016 at 8:42 AM
Monday: 7:50-8:00- Unpack/bathroom 8:00-9:30- Math 9:30-10:15- Science/ Social studies 10:15-10:30- Read aloud 10:30-11:00- Recess 11:00-11:30- Lunch/ bathroom 11:30-1:00- CAFÉ (reading block) 1:00-1:30- Spanish 1:30-2:00- Independent reading/ conference 2:00-2:20- Vocabulary/writing 2:20-2:25- Pack up   Tuesday: 7:50-8:00- Unpack/bathroom 8:00-9:30- Café (reading block) 9:30-10:00- Writing/ Vocabulary 10:00-10:30- Recess 10:30-11:00- Read aloud/ bathroom 11:00-11:30- Lunch 11:30-1:00- Math 1:00-1:30- PE 1:30-2:20- Social Studies/ Science 2:20-2:25- Pack up   Wednesday: 7:50-8:00- Unpack/bathroom 8:00-9:30- Math 9:30-10:00- Writing 10:00-10:30- Media 10:30-11:00- Recess 11:00-11:30- Lunch 11:30-1:00- Café 1:00-1:30- Art 1:30-2:20- Social Studies/ Science 2:20-2:25- Pack up   Thursday: 7:50-8:00- Unpack/bathroom 8:00-9:30- Café (reading block) 9:30-10:00- Writing 10:00-10:30- Vocabulary 10:30-11:00- Recess 11:00-11:30- Lunch 11:30-1:00- Math 1:00-1:30- PE 1:30-2:20- Social Studies/ Science 2:20-2:25- Pack up   Friday: 7:50-8:00- Unpack/bathroom 8:00-9:30- Math 9:30-10:00- Writing/ Vocabulary 10:00-10:30- Music 10:30-11:00- Recess 11:00-11:30- Lunch 11:30-1:00- Café (reading block) 1:00-1:30- Social studies/ Science 1:30-2:20- Read aloud 2:20-2:25- Pack up  
Posted by Guest  On Aug 22, 2018 at 4:08 PM 4 Comments
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