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November 2023 - Posts
In the art room over the last few weeks we have been doing various mixed media projects. This has included everything from low relief cardboard sculptures and ink on painted backgrounds for high school to various forms of printing with elementary and middle school. Since the "Day of the Dead" celebration was this week which honor those that have passed, high school art also did a one day project of themed art using either animals or the traditional sugar skulls representing that. We often study the traditional art of other cultures, and the students learn techniques used to make that art which broadens their skill set. Although we do complete larger finished projects each month, we do a lot of process-based learning in high school and middle school which focuses on learning the process to make the art which doesn't always result in a finished piece. Learning the process is important in order to get to those finished pieces. Below are some examples of things we have worked on the last few weeks.   Elementary monoprint designs with black paint High School Low relief cardboard sculpture High School Ink Drawing over painted paper High School Day of the Dead Themed animal art
Posted by justin.holdren  On Nov 02, 2023 at 10:49 AM 2 Comments